Mark Greene

Mark Greene grew up Jewish and joyous, and celebrated becoming a Christian in his early twenties. He worked in advertising in London and New York, loved it, and is still prepared to admit it. He is Executive Director of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity and was Vice Principal of the London School of Theology. He speaks, tells stories, and writes, mainly on the joys, trials, and surprises of living all of life as a follower of Jesus in today’s world.

“Mark’s book offers us a beautiful revolution – what if all of us recognized our equality of calling, that God intends for all of us to be his missionaries right where we are: pastry-chef, plumber or party-planner.”

Rachel Gardner

Mark’s books

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Left to Their Own Devices Cover

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Left to their own devices

Communications technology is advancing at such speed, heralding a world of choice and opportunity, that we sometimes struggle to navigate each new turn.

I believe the issues addressed in Left to Their Own Devices? are some of the most important for today’s parents – and whether our children are toddlers or teens. I urge you to read it.
Rob Parsons, OBE
Founder and Chairman of Care for the Family

Left to Their Own Devices Cover

£12.99Read more

Left to their own devices

Communications technology is advancing at such speed, heralding a world of choice and opportunity, that we sometimes struggle to navigate each new turn.

I believe the issues addressed in Left to Their Own Devices? are some of the most important for today’s parents – and whether our children are toddlers or teens. I urge you to read it.
Rob Parsons, OBE
Founder and Chairman of Care for the Family