Katharine Hill is UK Director for Care for the Family. She speaks and writes widely on family matters; she blogs regularly for the Huffington Post and is a popular speaker, writer and broadcaster. She has practised as a family lawyer and as a member of the board of the International Commission for Couple and Family Relations, as well as being a member of a government advisory group on family issues. Katharine is married to Richard and they have four grown-up children and two grandchildren.
“Reading this is like sitting down with a wonderfully experienced, well informed and beautifully calm and practical friend.”
Dr Kate Middleton
Katharine’s books
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I believe the issues addressed in Left to Their Own Devices? are some of the most important for today’s parents – and whether our children are toddlers or teens. I urge you to read it.
Rob Parsons, OBE
Founder and Chairman of Care for the Family