That Gentle Whisper (Hardcover)

Learning to recognise God's voice in a noisy world

Bill Cahusac


Pages: 192
ISBN: 978-1-914553-05-9
Publication Date: 30/09/2021

You're going to be amazed by the stories he recounts... Bill Cahusac is the real deal.
Pete Greig, 24-7 Prayer

A thundering from the skies? Or an inner knowing, a quiet certainty? Perhaps a verse seems to jump out as we’re reading the Bible. Is it too much to secretly hope for an audible whisper? What is ‘God’s voice’ actually like? And can we hope to ‘hear’ him today?

Yes, we can, argues Bill Cahusac, and not only in church. We can encounter him in the most ordinary circumstances – in a supermarket queue, a football match or walking on the downs. This beautiful book explores, in the simplest and most practical of ways, the question of how we can get to know and to recognize God’s voice, and his presence in the most humble and ordinary of circumstances.

Format: Hardcover

The God of the Bible is a God who speaks, who spoke the world itself into being; his Word is powerful and it will accomplish what he sends it to do. Our God promises to speak to us, to be found by us when we seek him with all our heart. He promises that the old will dream dreams and the young will see visions.

But how? What is ‘God’s voice’ actually like? Can we really hope to ‘hear’ him today?

Yes, we can, argues Bill Cahusac, pastor of Emmaus Road church in Guildford, and not only in church. Whether that is a supermarket queue, a football match or out walking on the Downs, the God of the Bible loves to communicate with us.

This beautiful book explores, in the simplest and most practical of ways, some of the important and difficult questions surrounding prophecy. Vulnerable, funny, and relatable, Bill takes us on a journey of his experience, recounting stories and examples which have taught him how to recognize God’s word. Hearing that gentle whisper, he says, comes from spending time with God in his word and in worship.

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Additional information


Foreword by Pete Greig, 24-7 Prayer
Preface: No Expert
1. Home
2. Closer than a Brother
3. How wide and long, how high and deep
4. Be ready
5. Rushing waters
6. God-breathed
7. Written in the sky
8. Seeing Visions and dreaming dreams
9. Great and unsearchable things
10. The still small voice and thundering
11. Learning to bear the weight of privilege
12. Pray, practice, and persevere
13. Strengthening what remains

Weight 280 g



About the author

Bill Cahusac
Bill Cahusac

Bill Cahusac is the Pastor of Emmaus Rd, Guildford, where he also developed a course helping people learn to recognise God’s voice, which is the basis of his book. Prior to this he worked as part of a team at a church plant in inner city London before joining the staff team of Holy Trinity Brompton where he founded the Furnace, a community of intercessors committed to fulfilling the vision of non-stop prayer in HTB’s 24-7 Prayer room, which he oversaw for two and a half years. Bill loves a good story, is an ever hopeful supporter of Fulham FC and is passionate about people encountering the presence of God. He is married to Nici. They have three sons and a very excitable Labrador called Marley.

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