Those Who Show Up Ebook

Andy Flannagan


Pages: 224
ISBN: 978-1-910012-20-8
Publication Date: 27/02/2015

Andy is reaching out, inspiring and equipping us to become engaged with a system that affects us deeply, and through which we in turn can effect radical and transformational change across our society.
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

From food banks to debt counselling, soup vans to street pastors, the church is doing an amazing job treating the victims of a flawed system. But it’s never going to be enough – unless we also get involved in the decision-making process. God cares deeply about the heart of our state, as well as the state of our hearts. Because, as Bart Simpson once famously discovered, the vote is won – and history is made, and the kingdom advanced – by those who show up.

Format: Ebook

This book won’t try to get you to vote for a particular party. It isn’t going to try to get you to vote at all. Something far better.

It’s going to show you that you could be voted for. That it could be your name on the ballot paper. Or that you could be working with someone whose name is, influencing your community more than you ever imagined.

From food banks to debt counselling, soup vans to street pastors, the church is doing an amazing job treating the victims of a flawed system. But it’s never going to be enough. Unless we also get involved in the decision-making process.

God cares deeply about the heart of our state, as well as the state of our hearts. And, as Bart Simpson once famously discovered, the vote is won – and history is made, and the kingdom advanced – by those who show up.

You can watch a great animation challenging you to show up here.

What people are saying

A note from Muddy Pearl

Full of enthusiasm and energy, this book encourages Christians to get involved in politics at a local and national level, and explains why it’s important. Peppered with the stories of ordinary people who have got involved in simple ways and made a significant and lasting change.

This is not a dry book about political theory. It is a book brimming with adventure and a sense of mission, telling with humour and passion the stories of those who are showing up.

It even gets you thinking, ‘Well, maybe I should go along and see, just, you know, show up…’

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About the author

Andy Flannagan
Andy Flannagan

Andy Flannagan is the Executive Director of Christians in Politics and former Director of Christians on the Left. Andy longs to see a just rewiring of the global economic system. He and his wife Jenny live in Luton where they actively build friendships and community.

Andy is also a writer and singer-songwriter – his books include God 360 and Distinctive Worship, along with a number of creative and critically acclaimed albums.

As an Irishman, Andy’s proudest moment was captaining England’s Barmy Army during the Ashes in Australia.

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