The Amazing Technicolour Pyjama Therapy

And other ways to fight back against life-changing illness

Emily Ackerman


Pages: 224
ISBN: 978-1-910012-12-3
Publication Date: 22/08/2014

A beautifully written book that reflects both a tender heart and a lucid mind … like water in the desert, it will provide you with a refreshing perspective on illness and suffering.
Pablo Martinez

Encouragement, practical advice and survival strategies to help you to fight back against life-changing illness, reclaim your life, live well and serve effectively. As Emily’s lovely gentle humour is enlivened by David McNeill’s brilliant cartoons, you will find fresh ways to view your situation and be cheered to learn you are not alone.

Format: Paperback

“When I fell ill and stayed ill, I felt like God had chopped me off at the ankles. I yelped in pain and indignation, I felt painfully abandoned, diminished and finished. It took me a long time to learn that God was not out to kill me.”

Some illnesses begin with a bang, whipped off to hospital or flattened into bed. Other conditions creep in until normal life is no longer normal. Life skills are suddenly out of date. Work, socialising and hobbies are out of reach. It’s a new and scary world.

Emily Ackerman knows this world only too well. She knows what it feels like to cry out to God to relieve her suffering, to allow her to fulfil her life plans. She knows what it feels like to wait, year after year, while God works through her suffering, to fulfil his plans for her life.

Listen to an interview with Emily on Premier Radio here…

This book is about fighting back. It’s about reclaiming your life now you’re ill, and finding new ways to live well and serve effectively. You’ll find survival strategies, encouragement, practical advice and fresh ways to view your situation. God hasn’t given up on you: there’s good news from the Bible about living abundantly and usefully with illness.

What people are saying

A note from Muddy Pearl

When I had decided to accept this manuscript for publication, I took Emily out to the Edinburgh Book Festival to see Maggie O’Farrell. We were well looked after, with seats in the front row, but Emily was a little on edge, concerned about her wheelchair, parked off to the side.  I said, ‘Surely Emily, no-one will steal a wheelchair?’  ‘You’d be surprised!’ she replied, and proceeded to tell me of the time her wheelchair was commandeered, painted red and raced along a third floor balcony by the local youth. I said, ‘Emily, that story has to go in the book!’  You will find it on page 97.

Emily knows well what it is to go through difficult times.  Yet she has managed to produce a pearl out of suffering. And she writes so well. She can make you smile, re-read a sentence, and laugh out loud. Which is so often the very best medicine.

David McNeill’s cover design, fantastic cartoons and little flourishes throughout brilliantly capture both the situations and experiences Emily recalls, as well as her hugely positive and cheery approach to these often intensely difficult issues.

Stephanie Heald

Additional information


Foreword by Pablo Martinez
Chapter 1 : Making a Start
Chapter 2 : In the pit
Chapter 3 : Hitting your stride
Chapter 4 : Hand to hand combat
Chapter 5 : Rhythms of illness
Chapter 6 : A place of rest
Chapter 7 : Looking at loss
Chapter 8 : Working on work
Chapter 9 : Ouch! Handling emotions
Chapter 10 : More emotions
Chapter 11 : What about healing?
Chapter 12 : The move is on
Chapter 13 : Friends in the storm
Chapter 14 : Single and sick
Chapter 15 : Facing the world
Chapter 16 : Family matters
Chapter 17 : Three's a crowd
Chapter 18 : What about the kids?
Chapter 19 : Spiritual fitness
Chapter 20 : What about the church?
Chapter 21 : How to survive your own death
Endnote : A different gift


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About the author

Emily Ackerman
Emily Ackerman

Emily Ackerman trained and worked as a doctor before illness put an end to her professional career. Her first book, A Time to Care, was published by IVP.

Emily lives in Scotland with her husband. She likes people-watching, playing with fabric, playing with words and growing green things. Emily has two children and two grandchildren. After twenty three years of illness and disability caused by M.E., Emily is enjoying an unexpected recovery.

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