Kate Patterson
Kate Patterson is a gifted speaker and writer, and Director of Gift of Blessing Trust, helping root God’s people in the love of God. She studied English at Oxford and Theology at Bristol and is passionate about making God’s word accessible and relevant to all ages. The Gift of Blessing Trust website provides resources including the Living for Eternity Course based on her recent book.
Kate was in church leadership for 20 years and was also a school chaplain. Her writing draws from her biblical studies, her pastoral experience and her personal experience following the sudden death of her husband in 2017.
Kate has three sons who are now all much bigger than her. She has a sign on her fridge that says, ‘A tidy house is a sign of a wasted life’ and likes to live up to it. preferring reading, swimming, gardening, walking, eating and just about anything to ironing.
“Kate Patterson is a very special person whose love for Jesus Christ shines through so much of what she says and does. Few people are better qualified to write about ‘living for eternity’.”
Nicky Gumble
Holy Trinity Brompton, Found of The Alpha Course
Kate’s books
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