Phil Anderson

Phil Anderson is a battle-hardened local politician from Thurrock in South Essex, one of Britain’s most Eurosceptic areas, with over 70% of the population voting to leave the EU. Phil won his council seat in Thurrock in 2010 by a nail-biting 29 votes. Within a year of being elected he found himself as opposition leader in one of the tightest marginal constituencies in the UK.

Phil became the local Conservative party Chairman in advance of the 2015 general election, where Thurrock emerged as UKIP’s no.1 target. The Conservatives held the seat in what came to be seen as one of the key political bellwethers of the election.

Since then, Phil’s conspiring has resulted in him becoming a founder member of the renewed Order of the Mustard Seed and a founder of the Stanfordle-Hope 24-7 Prayer Boiler Room Community (now known as Proximity Church). His pilgrimage has also led him to be Director of the Thames Gateway Development Corporation and the Thurrock Racial Unity Support Taskgroup, a co-ordinator of the UK National Prayer Breakfast, and a regular media contributor in print, radio, internet, and occasional TV.

Phil is married to Lisa, and has two daughters. In his (limited) spare time outside politics and writing, he is a keen private pilot and also enjoys running and cycling.

“Phil is one of the cleverest and most focussed people I know, but he never shows off about it. He is sacrificial, gentle, humble and fun – eminently qualified to write this book.”

Pete Greig
Founder, 24-7 Prayer International; Senior Leader, Emmaus Road Church, Guildford.

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